Try your hand at these quiz positions from the Closed. Not all have a definite solution but all have critical continuations that must be analyzed. Solutions at the bottom of the page.
1. Pechisker-Moore: 40. ?
2. Jiang-Scoones: 22…..?
3. Patterson-Berry: 17…..?
4. Scoones: Moore: 26…..?
5. Mc Laren: Patterson: 25…..?
6. Wu – Jiang: 63. ?
7. Pechisker-Patterson: 20…..?
8. Moore-Wu: 37.?
1. Pechisker-Moore: 40. Ne8 Kf7 41. Rd8 +- (even better is Nd6+).
2. Jiang-Scoones: 22…..Re8! 23 Kf1 f4 with a clear edge for black.
3. Patterson-Berry: 17…..bc 18. bc Nd4!? Not conclusive and probably not best but must be analyzed. 19. cd Bd4+ 18. Nf2? (Kh1 looks dangerous because of Ng3+ but is in fact OK for white. Black would play Ba1). Ng3 20: Rb1? (Nf3! Nf1 (Ba1 21 hg) 21. Nd4 and white is only a little worse). Rb1 21. Bb1 Nf1 and black was better.
4. Scoones-Moore: 26…..Qe4 27 Be4 Re5 picks up a piece.
5. Mc Laren- Patterson: Black accepted White’s draw offer but missed 25…..Nh3+ 26.Rh3 Qd2 27 Rhe3 (to try and trap the queen 27. Rd3 Qg5 28. Rg3 Qf4 29. Rf3 Re4! -+) Re4 28. Rd1 Qb2 29. Rb1 Qa3 and black is winning.
6. Wu – Jiang: 63. Bg5 +-
7. Pechisker-Patterson: Black missed 20…..Ng4! with advantage.
8. Moore-Wu: 37.Qf4 threatens Qe5. Black tried Qd2 but this loses to 38 Re4
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