
Victoria Chess Festival 2009

Page history last edited by brian raymer 15 years, 2 months ago

Link to 2010 Grand Pacific Open


3rd Annual Victoria Chess Festival


April 10-13 2009


The 3rd annual Victoria Chess Festival was well attended with 76 players in the main event, the Grand Pacific Open, as well as in a number of side events.  Participants included a variety of champions including the BC champion  FM Jonathan Berry, BC women's champion WCM Alexandra Botez, BC junior champion Tanraj Sohal, BC Active champion IM Vincente Lee, and the Estonian Women's champion WFM Valeria Gansvind.   The last round top board game for all the marbles featured newly returned IM Leon Piasetski and IM Lawrence Day, a match up that would not have been out of place 35 years ago!.  It was drawn which enabled a four way tie for first with Leon Piasetski taking home the 1st place trophy on tiebreak.


Media coverage included a spot on the evening news on the "A" channel and article in the Victoria News (Wednesday April 15).


This event could not have taken place without the efforts of many people.   Many thanks to our sponsors Thrifty Foods, Black Press, and to the Grand Pacific Hotel for such a wonderful venue.  TD Mark S. Dutton, IA did his usual professional job in the main event.  The side events were run smoothly by TDs  Greg Churchill and Elliot Raymer.  Numerous volunteers helped out with the demonstration boards, live broadcasting of selected games through MonRoi, and manning the bookstall.   Thanks to Chess and Math for providing the books!  Thanks too, to our organizers Brian Raymer, Roger Patterson, Paul Leblanc, and Greg Churchill.


Grand Pacific Open Games: (pgn or Java replay)

Some untitled photos from Sunday and Monday (requires a Facebook account to view).


Our venue is already booked for next year.   Make plans to be here in Easter 2010 for the 4th annual Victoria Chess Festival!


Our Winners:


IM Leon Piasetski (right) 1st on tiebreak with Brian Raymer




Left to right: IM Leon Piasetski, WFM Valeria Gansvind, IM Vicente Lee, IM Lawrence Day; all with 5 points




Grand Pacific Open   Final Results


1st (on tie break) IM Leon Piasetski:  $500 and trophy.

2nd, 3rd, 4th:  WFM Valeria Gansvind,  IM Lawrence Day, IM Vicente Lee:  $500 each


IM Vicente Lee also wins the qualifying spot to the next BC Closed.



1st, 2nd, 3rd: Jack Cheng, Mike Murray, WCM Alexandra Botez: $233 each



1st, 2nd:  Matthew Herdin, Richard Golden:  $300 each

3rd (on tiebreak) Jacob Jenson



1st, 2nd:  Tian Tian Geng, Justin Wong:  $300 each

3rd (on tiebreak): Jason Cao.


Biggest upset:  Josh Wild $100 (over Nenad Ristovic: a difference of 600 points!)


Grand Pacific Scholastic 

28 players participated in the 2nd annual Grand Pacific Scholastic tournament, including B.C. Junior Champion Tanraj Sohal. Each player received a souvenir medal. The winner in the section for grades K-3 was Jonah Lee. The winner in the section for grades 4-7 was Tanraj Sohal.


1st    Jonah Lee    (5.0/5)

2nd    Jason Cao    (4.0/5)

3rd    Tristan Taylor    (3.0/5)


1st    Tanraj Sohal    (4.5/5)

2nd    John Doknjas    (4.5/5)

3rd    Ryan Lo        (4.0/5)


Fischer Random:

1st: Roger Patterson

2nd Dylan Parker


Grand Pacific Midnight Blitz   Final Results

Gold Medal and $250  Vicente Lee  Silver Medal  Tanraj Sohal  Bronze Medal  Howard Wu


Grand Pacific Bughouse Championship


The top teams in the Pacific Northwest assembled at the Hotel Grand Pacific on April13 for the 3rd Annual Grand Pacific Bughouse Championship. 14 Teams were in Victoria this year for this popular event. Top team was "Ben and Noam's Bugventure" with a perfect score of 5 out of 5.  Click here for results.



Our Sponsors: 











Organized by: Brian Raymer, Paul Leblanc, Roger Patterson, and Greg Churchill. Contact us at: grandpacificopen@gmail.com


Chief TD: Mark S. Dutton, I.A.




Previous Victoria Festivals

2008 Victoria Chess Festival

2007 Victoria Chess Festival




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