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St-Jean-Baptiste Day Rapid

Page history last edited by Paul Leblanc 1 year, 3 months ago



St-Jean-Baptiste Day Rapid







Where:  Curling Rink, Archie Browning Sports Centre, 1151 Esquimalt Road next to Esquimalt Plaza New location

When: Saturday June 24, 2023 from 9:45 am to 5 pm


Rounds Time: Rd. 1 10:00 am, Rd. 2 11:15 am, Rd. 3 1:30 pm, Rd. 4 2:45 pm, Rd 5 4:00 pm.


Time Control: Game/25 with 5 second increment after each move.


Entry Fee:  $25 plus $4 junior (under 20) or $8 adult if not current CFC member.


Prizes:            1st Place: $200

                        2nd Place: $100

                        Top U1200: $100

                        Top Unrated: $100


Registration:  Contact Paul Leblanc (pc-leblanc@shaw.ca)   Registration will close Thursday night, 22 June.  No on-site registration


Registered Players (CFC Quick Rating):

Premier Section:

Roger Patterson  2081

Ross Richardson  1970

Jason Williamson  1957

Reza Sardari  1888

Bill Tate  1794

Peter Mingrone  1063  Regular rating 1733

Nigel Hanrahan  1644

Paul Leblanc  1640

Duncan Jillings  1633 

Yoann Destremau  FIDE 1541 (France)

Tyler Arnold  1507

Taylor McLean  1500

Martin Lorenz  1485 

Trevor Yonkman  1476

Brian Thompson 1451

Colin Sargent  1394

Bill Bustard  1385  (tentative)

Ivan Nicolici  1112  Regular rating 1349

Rob Swartz  1344

Malcolm Scott  1333

Jelle Faber  1326

Jeremy Hardy  1318

Jing Yan (Marco) Shi  1288

Alex Webb  1262

Luke Pereira  1261  (CFC expired)

Trevor Soare  1011  Regular rating 1242

Ewan Laws  1238

Connor Frank  1237 

Eli Skrepnek  1204

Cosmin Filipescu  1203

Stephen Pepper  1200

Nicholas Pennie  1141


U1200 Section:

Michael Nguyen  1106

Luke Webb  1090

Ryan Killoran  1067

Will Keim  1057

Caleb Dukes  1022

Ninad Mengle  1008

Al Hui  971

Kabirpal Singh  969

Ned Taylor  910

Finn Nakayama  909

Travis Fletcher  899  

Piyush Chaudhary  893

Rhyland Barker  847

Calum Condon  847  (CFC expired)

Seth Miller 825

Andrey Kozlov  824

Maverick Billings  699

Marc Rosenthal (family)  unr

Zachary Rosenthal (family)  unr

Yau Ming (Otto) Lam  unr

Christian Ortega  unr

Ethan Susut Nohr  unr

Jeremy Gallagher  unr

Oscar Cuan  unr

Craig Penner  unr

Nathan Daly  unr

CJ Uriel Mabborang  unr

Mathias Farah  unr

Lincoln Shilling  unr

Sam Bernard  unr

Liam McColl  unr

Joel Skrepnek  unr

Michael Rak  unr

Total Registered 65 


Duncan Haines 20 Jun

Jonathan Epp 22 Jun

Merlin Epp 22 Jun

Travis Fiander 22 Jun


Previous Rapid Tournaments:

March 2023 Esquimalt Rapid Event Report

February 2023 Fundraiser Event Report

November 2022 Fundraiser Event Report



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