2014 BC Open
A six round CFC rated Swiss, Feb. 8-10, 2014
$2000 Guaranteed Prize Fund
Online registration
Pre Registered List:
When: Feb. 8-10, 2014
Where: Executive Airport Plaza Hotel, 7311 Westminster Hwy. Richmond, BC V6X 1A3
Sections: Open, U1800
Prizes: $2000 Guaranteed:
Premier Section:$600, $300 U2100 $300 Top BC finisher qualifies for BC Closed.
U1800 Section: $350, $200 U1500 $150
Top Unrated (any section) $100
Entry Fee: $60 on or before Dec. 31, $70 on or before Feb. 5, $85 on site; $20 to play up a section You can only play up if within 200 points of the next section (e.g. rated 1600 or higher). For first time players in the U1800 section who meet our rules on our Policies page entry fee includes a one year CFC membership. $30 discount for 2nd or higher family member.
Time Control: Game/90 + 30 sec. increment
Rounds: Sat. Feb. 8: 12:00 noon, 5:00pm; Sun Feb. 9 10:00am, 3:00pm, Mon. Feb. 10 10:00am, 3:00pm
Accommodation: Executive Airport Plaza Hotel, 1-800-663-2878 $119/night single/double Free parking for hotel guests. Quote "BCOPEN2014" to get the discount. You can also get the discounted rate at this hotel provided link.
- by car; parking $5/day (must purchase ticket from organizer)
- by Skytrain to Brighouse station, then ~10 minute walk.
Registration: online (to be set up in September) or email to victoriachessclub@gmail.com , or mail (cheques payable to Victoria Chess, 1012 Spiritwood Pl Victoria BC V8Y1C6 ), or onsite from 10:30-11:00am Sat. Feb. 8.
Policies: Our general policies for things like byes, awarding of prizes, ratings, and other matters are at our Policies Page. Where a contradiction exists between those and this page, this page takes precedent.
- Parking free for hotel guests. $5/day otherwise (purchase ticket from organizer on site).
- BCCF dues included in entry fee.
- All equipment provided.
- Unrated players not eligible for class prizes.
Organizing Committee: Roger Patterson, Paul Leblanc
TD: Stephen Wright FA

Results from 2012 BC Open
Results prior to 2012 (courtesy of Stephen Wright)
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