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BC Open 2011 Results

Page history last edited by roger patterson 13 years, 1 month ago

BC Open Results

July 30- Aug.1, 2011

Richmond, BC




48 players came out for the 2011 version of the BC Open.  The stronger adult BC players were by and large MIA but the up and coming crop of juniors made up for it, taking most of the higher places in the crosstable.    BC Champion Jack Yoos did defend adult honor in convincingly taking first place in the 20 player top section with 5/6 though.  Tanraj Sohal and John Doknjas tied for 2nd-3rd with John taking the BC Closed qualification spot as Tanraj has already qualified.  The U1800 section was well represented with 28 players and was won by Jofrel Landingin with 5.5 points followed by relative newcomer Constantin Rotariu.


A trial policy for this tournament was to include a year's CFC membership in the entry fee for brand new players in the lower section.   5 players qualified for this making the number of new unrated players a bigger proportion than usual for BC tournaments.  It is likey that the organizers, Victoria Chess, will try this policy again in selected tournaments.


Prize Winners:



1st Jack Yoos $300

2nd-3rd & U2100: Tanraj Sohal, John Doknjas $175 each

BC Closed qualifier spot: John Doknjas


U1800 Section:

1st: Jofrel Landingin $175

2nd: Constantin Rotariu $100

U1500: Anderson Lee, Clement Cheng $37.50 each.

Top Unrated: Mihai Ganea $50



Organizers: Roger Patterson and Paul Leblanc (a.k.a. 2/3 of Victoria Chess)


TD: Stephen Wright, FA.


Previous BC Opens:

2009 BC Open (Victoria)  

Previous BC Open  winners and history (courtesy of Stephen Wright) 


Games (pgn):


Photo Gallery (courtesy of Lester Yee)


Photos:  (courtesy of Victoria Doknjas)


Jack Yoos (left):  1st place Open Section


Jofrel Landingin (left): 1st place U1800 section



The organizers: Roger Patterson (left) and Paul Leblanc (right)   You organize a tournament in a different city and what is the first round pairing!?


SwissSys Standings. BC Open: Open


# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Tot
1 Jack Yoos 2416 W19 H--- W3 W2 D4 W9 5.0
2 Tanraj S Sohal 2160 W7 W11 W9 L1 W5 D3 4.5
3 John Doknjas 2028 W16 W6 L1 W9 W10 D2 4.5
4 James Chan 2044 W8 H--- W10 D5 D1 D6 4.0
5 Jason Cao 2037 W17 D10 W19 D4 L2 W13 4.0
6 Changhe Li 2027 H--- L3 W18 W15 D7 D4 3.5
7 Jack [kun] Cheng 1935 L2 D8 W12 W11 D6 D10 3.5
8 Peter Yee 1813 L4 D7 L14 W20 W19 W15 3.5
9 Dan Erichsen 2102 W14 W13 L2 L3 W16 L1 3.0
10 Roger Patterson 2077 W15 D5 L4 W14 L3 D7 3.0
11 Richard Ingram 2046 W20 L2 D16 L7 D15 W17 3.0
12 Darren Bates 1800 H--- L19 L7 D17 W20 W16 3.0
13 Aram Arzumanyan unr. W18 L9 L15 W19 W14 L5 3.0
14 Joe Roback 1920 L9 H--- W8 L10 L13 W19 2.5
15 Paul Leblanc 1920 L10 W17 W13 L6 D11 L8 2.5
16 Matthew Herdin 1616 L3 B--- D11 W18 L9 L12 2.5
17 Mavaddat Javid 1775 L5 L15 D20 D12 W18 L11 2.0
18 Brian Sullivan 1596 L13 W20 L6 L16 L17 B--- 2.0
19 Leonard Molden 1965 L1 W12 L5 L13 L8 L14 1.0
20 Daniel Saldanha 1858 L11 L18 D17 L8 L12 U--- 0.5


SwissSys Standings. BC Open: U1800

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Tot
1 Jofrel Landingin 1665 W16 W6 W4 W10 D2 W3 5.5
2 Constantin Rotariu 1457 W26 W14 D5 W13 D1 W4 5.0
3 Andrew Quinton Lee 1654 W24 W15 L10 W11 W6 L1 4.0
4 Lionel Han 1554 W21 W19 L1 W15 W10 L2 4.0
5 Anderson Yee 1485 W25 D13 D2 D7 W14 D8 4.0
6 Clement Cheng 1415 W27 L1 W23 W14 L3 W18 4.0
7 Mihai Ganea unr. D11 D9 W20 D5 W19 D10 4.0
8 Tian Tian Geng 1548 L22 D17 W25 D19 W16 D5 3.5
9 Stewart Paulson 1531 L23 D7 W17 D18 W21 D13 3.5
10 Joshua Doknjas 1494 W17 W22 W3 L1 L4 D7 3.5
11 Li Geng 1456 D7 W23 D13 L3 D22 W19 3.5
12 Humphrey Shao 1303 L14 W26 D18 D20 D13 W22 3.5
13 Hector Rathburn 1681 W20 D5 D11 L2 D12 D9 3.0
14 Robert Hamm 1681 W12 L2 W21 L6 L5 W23 3.0
15 James Taylor 1454 W28 L3 W16 L4 L18 W24 3.0
16 Kai Richardson 1168 L1 W27 L15 W23 L8 W26 3.0
17 Josh Pitre unr. L10 D8 L9 W25 D20 W28 3.0
18 Alex Jiale Wang unr. L19 W25 D12 D9 W15 L6 3.0
19 Petr Straka 1399 W18 L4 W22 D8 L7 L11 2.5
20 Luke Pulfer 1350 L13 W24 L7 D12 D17 D21 2.5
21 Matthew Geng 1160 L4 W28 L14 W24 L9 D20 2.5
22 Nathaniel Knox 1113 W8 L10 L19 W27 D11 L12 2.5
23 Frank Hou 1091 W9 L11 L6 L16 W26 L14 2.0
24 Cassidy Fu 922 L3 L20 W28 L21 W27 L15 2.0
25 Neil Doknjas 934 L5 L18 L8 L17 D28 B--- 1.5
26 Mason Shao Hong Lee unr. L2 L12 L27 W28 L23 L16 1.0
27 Brian Lewis unr. L6 L16 W26 L22 L24 U--- 1.0
28 Scott Richardson unr. L15 L21 L24 L26 D25 L17 0.5




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